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This study investigates how journalists covering international humanitarian crises make decisions regarding what types of information to include in stories. Specifically, the inclusion/exclusion of solutions-oriented information is addressed, since crises represent a key time during which the potential for international engagement is discussed in the mainstream media. Interviews with journalists covering hunger crises in Africa reveal an internal tension between maintaining a neutral, unbiased position and writing in a way that supports engagement and action. Ironically, perhaps, journalists find that including solutions-oriented information amounts to unethical and biased coverage, despite the fact that inclusion of solutions to social problems is an accepted and institutionalized aspect of the US news media’s mandate to the public. Reasons for this seeming contradiction are discussed, and I argue that solutions-oriented information not only can be included without demonstrating bias, but that it ought to be included to support ethical coverage that properly informs citizens about potential paths for political engagement.  相似文献   
Martin to Brown     
The rise of the modern Black Lives Matter movement can be traced back to two key events, the 2012 death of Trayvon Martin and the 2014 death of Michael Brown. Research routinely showed that mainstream media’s narrative choices marginalize and delegitimize protesters and their causes, a pattern known as the protest paradigm. This study provides a longitudinal examination of how the same mainstream media system varied in their coverage of similar events and the degree to which journalists challenged the predicted paradigms conceptualized in other academic work. A content analysis of national newspaper coverage revealed that news before the judicial rulings focused on protesters’ tactics (violence versus peaceful) and changed to the realm of ideas (grievances and demands) after the assailants were considered not guilty of wrongdoing. No progression was found in legitimizing coverage of protests between the two cases.  相似文献   
The present experiment sought to further understanding of the effects of personalised audiovisual stimuli on psychological and psychophysiological responses during exercise in adults with obesity. Twenty-four participants (Mage = 28.3, SD = 5.5 years; MBMI = 32.2, SD = 2.4) engaged in self-paced exercises on a recumbent cycle ergometer and three conditions (sensory stimulation [ST], sensory deprivation [DE], and control [CO]) were administered. Perceptual (attentional focus and perceived exertion), affective (affective state and perceived activation), and psychophysiological (heart rate variability) parameters were monitored throughout the exercise bouts. A one-way repeated measures analysis of variance was used to compare self-reported and psychophysiological variables (main and interaction effects [5 Timepoints × 3 Conditions]). The results indicate that ST increased the use of dissociative thoughts throughout the exercise session (ηp2 = .19), ameliorated fatigue-related symptoms (ηp2 = .15) and elicited more positive affective responses (ηp2 = .12) than CO and DE. Accordingly, personally-compiled videos are highly effective in ameliorating exertional responses and enhancing affective valence during self-paced exercise in adults with obesity. Audiovisual stimuli could be used during the most critical periods of the exercise regimen (e.g., first training sessions) when individuals with obesity are more likely to focus on fatigue-related sensations.  相似文献   
Using a non-linear approach, intentional dynamics of thoughts were examined during constant cycling performed until volitional exhaustion. Participants (= 12) completed two sessions at 80% Wmax. Their (1) intrinsic thought dynamics (i.e., no-imposed thoughts condition) and (2) intentional thought dynamics (i.e., imposed task-unrelated thoughts condition; TUT) were recorded and then classified into four categories: internal and external TUT (TUT-I, TUT-E) and external and internal task-related thoughts (TRT-E, TRT-I). The probability estimates for maintaining each thought category stable, the rate of switching from one category to another, and the entropy dynamics along the testing procedure were assessed and compared through time phase. Friedman ANOVA tests revealed a significant effect of effort increase on thought contents only in the imposed TUT test. While TUT-I probabilities decreased significantly (P < .001) as effort increased, TRT-I probabilities increased (< .05). Moreover, the entropy to the entire thought dynamics increased at the outset of task performance and decreased upon approaching volitional exhaustion (< .001). As time spent in constant effort increased, and volitional exhaustion approached, task relatedness (TUT, TRT), direction (internal, external), and entropy of thought contents changed unintentionally providing further evidence for a nonlinear dynamics of attention focus.  相似文献   
注意是学习的开端,一个学生在课堂上对课程内容的注意越多,他就学得越好。文章针对注意研究之不足,使用ACT-R对注意的过程进行仿真,将注意的详细过程和步骤以及一些认知细节挖掘出来,揭示注意规律在教学中的应用,有益于人们对注意的认知过程和认知规律的整体把握,从而在实际的教学过程中能有效利用好注意这一要素提高教学效果。  相似文献   
心理训练是一种既老又新的科学方法和手段。在科学训练发展的今天,世界体育强国都把心理训练列为重要的研究课题,在我国心理训练也日益受到重视。因为人的运动潜能的发挥是体力、技术和心理因素的有机结合,在双方势均力敌的情况下,谁的心理素质好,谁能够在比赛场上占主动,谁就能够获胜。  相似文献   
通过长期接触击剑这项运动的训练与比赛,击剑是以速度、机智和自控为特点的。在快速的节奏中,还要保持剑的准确性与快速应变的能力,而"快、准、狠、变"的比赛风格是一个优秀运动员战胜对手并取得胜利的灵魂所在。文章结合比赛与训练,阐述其对运动员起到的促进作用。  相似文献   
文章运用文献资料法、观察法,对二十四式太极拳套路运动节奏与音乐节奏进行了分析,对太极拳运动特点、太极拳教学发展趋向等进行了研究与探讨,从而使音乐内涵融合于太极拳中,以提高竞技太极拳运动的观赏价值。1前言太极拳既是一种合乎生理和体育原理的健身运动,又是一种治疗疾病的有效手段。简化二十四式太极拳是在传统太极拳的基础上选取二十四式编成的。学习简化太极拳不仅是对中华。  相似文献   
分心作业对环境主导注意型运动员返回抑制的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
考察分心作业对环境主导注意型运动员返回抑制时程的影响。采用线索—靶子范式,试验1和试验2分别以普通大学生、新手型运动员和专家型运动员各16名作为被试,包括3种SOA水平(200 ms,400 ms,700 ms)。在试验1和试验2的中央注视点分别安排无分心作业和有分心作业,对3组被试之间的返回抑制时程进行比较。试验1结果表明:无分心作业时,普通大学生在SOA为400 ms和700 ms出现返回抑制,新手型运动员和专家型运动员在SOA为200 ms、400 ms和700 ms均出现返回抑制;试验2结果表明:有分心作业时,普通大学生与新手型运动员的返回抑制消失,专家型运动员在SOA为400 ms和700 ms仍然保留返回抑制。环境主导注意型运动员具有更强的返回抑制能力,专家型运动员能够采取更为有效的注意加工策略,表现出较好的认知控制能力或抗干扰能力。  相似文献   
以2010年斯诺克业余大师赛深圳分站赛的测评为例,探讨在弱全面覆盖条件下推广活动的认知效果应该采用何种调查方法,即是事前事后调查还是同时对比调查。结果表明:在这一条件下,同时对比调查能够达到与事前事后调查同样的效果。  相似文献   
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